February 2024 - Alive Media - Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency - Augusta, GA

Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency

(706) 829-2833

Website Design // Answers Community Church

Answers Community Church is a church located in Martinez, GA. Alive Media worked with Answers to create a website that is user friendly for both current attendees and prospective visitors, with a website design that incorporates colors and design elements from the church logo.

Alive Media is proud to help churches in the greater Augusta GA area with their digital marketing needs, including website design, logos and branding, online advertising and SEO. We believe that your online presence can impact your church mission. Reach out to us to discuss your church’s digital marketing needs. Contact us today!

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Website Design // Augusta Handmade Fair

The Augusta Handmade Fair is a semi-annual fundraiser held by Redemption Church, which features local area artisans and provides funding to both local nonprofits and partner missionaries. Augusta Handmade Fair partnered with Alive Media to develop an informative, dynamic website that informs both prospective vendors and prospective attendees. The site features vendor bios, a calendar of events, comprehensive FAQ section and email contact form, as well as an online merch shop and donation opportunities.

Alive Media can help your event, organization or business’s website become a reality. From initial planning to the final live site, our team combines experience, knowledge and open lines of communication to ensure the final product is even better than you imagined.  Contact us today!

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