Site Design | Growing Together Family & Children - Alive Media - Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency - Augusta, GA

Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency

(706) 829-2833

Site Design | Growing Together Family & Children

Growing Together Children & Family is a new business that offers group classes and individual and couples coaching designed to help reunify families and communities. Alive Media with the Growing Together team to design a logo and website that informs prospective clients about Growing Together and its services, using copy written by the Growing Together team. The result is an information-rich website optimized for both mobile and desktop.

According to statistics published on Social Media Today, 46 percent of Google searches are seeking local information*. This means almost 50 percent of people are searching for local events, restaurants, businesses, and other community information. When they do, make sure your business or organization is visible. Let Alive Media show you how.  Contact us today!