Here are a couple of web design myths to think about:
Myth #1: “Field of Dreams” Myth (“If you build it, they will come”) – If you’ve seen the Kevin Costner film then you remember how we hears this phrase whispered several times. He listens, builds a baseball field in a middle of a farm and presto, famous baseball players show up.
A lot people carry this misconception about having a website, blog, etc: If it is online (built) then web traffic will just happen and my website will be on the first page of search engine listings. That’s just not the case. Simply put, you must promote your site if you hope to have “hits” on it.
While there are several solutions to increasing traffic and visibility, here are a few tips:
- The right code (Search Engine Optimization) – make sure your website has the correct “tags” and code that search engines crawl to index your site.
- Advertise – Every business card, email, letterhead and piece of advertisement, whether paper or electronic, should have your web address on it.
- Search engine submission – make sure that your site is submitted to search engines. Start with (it’s free!).
- Social media – take advantage of social media like twitter, facebook, stumbleuponit, digg, etc. to network and promote your business.
- Blogging – consider adding a blog or latest news item to keep new and fresh content on your website.
Myth #2: More is better – The idea here is that the more “stuff” I have on my page (flashing graphics, advertisement banners, blinking text, pictures, etc.), the more people will pay attention to my page. The truth is that most pages like that are simply confusing, poorly designed and annoying. Statistics show that you have probably less than 8 seconds to keep a visitor engaged. If there is too much going on, you’ve lost most. Keep it simple and fresh. Either educate yourself on how to design pages or find a professional web design company to do it for you. Either way, it is possible to have a site that is both professional and simple.
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